April's thoughts

"If you want to change the world , go home and love your family" - Mother Teresa

April 2020
October's thoughts

The best way to think about the downside risk is to think of what can go wrong and the likely impact the wrongness can have on the core objectives of an entity. The next thing will then be to plan ahead and take conscious efforts to mitigate the unfavourable effects.

October 2018
November's thoughts

Measuring your risks gives a clue per the next line of action to pursue. It is an important undertaking in answering the risk question. Finite Risk Advisors Limited , we will help you in that undertaking by ensuring the risk question is appropriately answered. #Novemberthought

November 2018
September's thoughts

"There are always alternative ways of doing things. So when we are stuck, we should endeavour to take a look at the existing rigidity which limits the glance at alternatives. In a nutshell, there is a constant need to re-evaluate the underlying assumptions which feed the imposing rigidity in the first instance."

September 2018